The accordion below contains profiles of excess state-owned real properties listed as available for either state, local, or affordable housing use. Also listed is state-owned real property for sale to the public. For more information regarding an individual property, please reach out to the contact listed on the property profile page located within its respective tab.

*Note: DGS obtained the information contained in this posting from sources deemed reliable; however, the DGS makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy of the information provided.

Declare State Owned Real Property as Excess



This posting is notice to local agencies of the availability of surplus state real property pursuant to G.C. section 11011.1.

  • No Property Profiles at this time

For contact information, please see the individual "Property Profile" pages.

Find Surplus Real Property 

(Updated 1/31/2025) 

El Monte - California Air Resources Board (CARB) - Property Profile *Update*

*Note: DGS obtained the information contained in this posting from sources deemed reliable; however, DGS makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy of the information provided.

For contact information, please see the individual "Property Profile" pages

Find Surplus Real Property

(Updated 3/13/2013)

Currently no armory properties have been identified for sale. 

*Note: The DGS obtained the information contained in this posting from sources deemed reliable; however, the DGS makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy of the information provided.

Find Surplus Real Property

For contact information, please see the individual "Property Profile" pages

(Updated 2/23/2022)

Former Sonoma Developmental Center Core Campus (±180 acres)- Property Profile*Update*

(Updated 4/4/2023)

Yountville Request for Information (RFI)

For contact information, please see the individual "Property Profile" pages.